Monday, September 21, 2009

Green Playground

A couple of weeks ago we built a playground in one day. OK-not by ourselves but with 200+ other community volunteers. We started at 8:30AM and finished at 2:30PM. It was the most fun I've had in a group in years. Volunteers of ages, races, lifestyles, physical capacities and economic levels pitched in to cart mulch, mix concrete, put the pieces of the playground together, landscape and more. There was plenty of food--breakfast and lunch--and enough water to keep us all hydrated. The music was pumping up-tempo oldies, r&b, country, pop. Like I said it was great and at the end of the day, we celebrated with a ribbon cutting. I followed that celebration with a long soak in a hot-tub--not very green but very beneficial to my blackboomer body.
It was an exhilarating experience and I recommend it to everyone. Find a group in your city and pitch in to improve the community you call home. What's going on where you live?

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